Our Vision

The GSA Mission


Glio Support Association Inc. is a Florida Non Profit corporation recognized as a 501(c)3 tax exempt Corporation by the United States Federal Government. It was created to aid and assist Glioblastoma patients, families and caregivers; however, our services are available to all brain cancer patients and families. The services provided by GSA will benefit the families and caregivers by assisting with maintaining the family and home, counseling, nutrition, boot camp training workshops, support and home maintenance services from diagnosis to healing, Hospice or palliative care.

The Million Lights Program is our signature community service outreach; we hope to expand it across the Untied States and beyond. Every volunteer becomes a light in the program as we reach out to provide support from every level. We encourage you to sign up as a volunteer even if you are only able to check on a patients house while they are hospitalized or unable to be there due to treatments, walk their dog, assist with laundry, lawn care or the things we all take for granted in our daily lives. These activities become overwhelming to patients, families and caregivers. Hope Hospice is willing to train every volunteer nationally by Zoom to aid and assist Cancer patients, enabling your services to become available where they are most needed.

Join us in this journey to bring light to the darkest times of cancer patients lives. We need and appreciate all of your efforts! YOUR TAX EXEMPT DONATIONS SUPPORT OUR EFFORTS AND AND SINCERELY APPRECIATED!

Roberta Ruge
President and CEO
Glio Support Association Inc.